Stranded Gypsy Girl

Original. Quirky. Spreading Love Like Dandelions

How I’m Going to Live My Life From Now On March 16, 2009

A Few More Resolutions/Thoughts

Lach + Erin

Lach + Erin

  • I’m going to try and live by humility and gratitude (as opposed to whinging and selfishness)

  • Stay Inspired and Stimulated

  • I’m going to speak. To sing. If only for eight half deaf people!

  • Let joy…sparked by love of God and people…be my defining characteristic

  • Life is there to….enable/spark changes in other people’s lives by leaving a bit of your soul behind whether on stage, through a blog post, or in day to day contact

  • Be enhanced everyday by my relationship with god

  • Unplug this darn computer for a day each week!

  • Try to go for a Walk everyday for refreshment

  • Read before going to bed FOR FUN

    Take it Each Step at a time Honey

  • Lach – love him, support him the best way I can, apply 1 Corinthians 13

  • Take notes of what interests and inspires me

  • Try to do all my homework before Sunday arvo so i can take it off



Filed under: My world and my life,Random Musings — bessabariangirl @ 9:24 am
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“Cool denotes an impregnable sense of self, aloof from the crowd even as the crowd rushes to embrace it. It’s an elusive combination of good taste, composed self-assurance and own-terms independence. Cool is the confidence of aesthetic conviction and the strength of personality to impress one’s vision on others. Cool requires imagination and a unique perspective. It’s magnetic because it makes the mundane sublime.” The Age Fashion Blog

I’m just going to have to, “do my own thing on my own terms”. Just be unapologetically me and equally unapologetically do the things I want to do and talk about the things I’m interested in. I’m over craving for acceptance. I just do not fit in at school; never have and – thank God – never will.

Neither do other people who I consider cool (Thomasy is one of them actually cos he is so totally himself and does what he does. Alena, that percussionist I was friends with years ago is pretty much the coolest person I know, her personality was so imprinted on me. A bit like Lachlan’s ‘Dan’ who he always states as his inspiration. Alena introduced me to herbal teas and jazz, she knew her stuff about music and is amazingly skilled. She had opinions but never pressed them – though she stated them when something came up to trigger them!)

Lachlan finds this individuality thing incredibly easy and it’s that strength of self assurance that draws people towards him. And then they start to imitate him. The problem with me is that I’ve always had this craving to be liked by everyone. It’s just not going to happen. Especially with Nikki around. So I’m just going to be who I want to be and say what I want to say in class without worrying that I sound like a know-it-all. I’m going to talk to all year levels and damn well sing in choir and do production because those are the things I love. I still want to be approachable and make a difference in people’s lives, but carrying on like an ego-centric fragile collection of neurosis is hardly going to help anyone or anything.

I’m going to talk to teachers without worrying I’ll be called a “teachers pet”. I’ll read The Age on the bus if that so interests me (even if it may be “the old mans newspaper”. Home and Away sucks. Of course I’ll still be tactful and nice but I will not get sucked into their games or even waste a thought on it. So what if I’m not invited to Tom’s 18th, I hate alcohol anyway. If I want to go hyper on the glockenspiel in Music Styles I shall and no Jen, I will not “tone it down’. (even if everyone confirmed to what some people’s idea of the perfect mould, they would still find a problem with it!)

Bridget was cool. She read the dictionary for fun and watched Iron chef just for the heck of it. She played guitar at lunch and no one told her to shut up. She had the funkiest haircut in Nathalia and once they got over it they thought it was hot and now some tote the same one. She was original from the time I knew her at age of 6, wanting to be a fashion designer and using old scrapbooks to design them.

If I adore Jane Austen and Shakespeare in Literature and everyone else is whingeing about how much they loathe them, well, guess who will top the exam. I do not care if I appear attractive or nor. Lach loves me for who I am at any moment (as proven with early morning rendezvous while I had bed hair, morning breathe and the remnants of pimple cream on my face). I will not check myselfconstantly to pinpoint where or where not I am presentable to the public. I’ll smile and have fun and let them decide for themselves. I have a right to be an optimist and idealist. I can believe in God without having to act as his lawyers constantly. I can talk to a boy without worrying whether or not he finds me attractive. I can use the most elongated and enormous words I can muster and you can look them up when you get home. I can have fun at school.

Stuff those who say I can’t!


From The Age’s fashion blog

Follow the Beat of Your Own Drum

Follow the Beat of Your Own Drum



Follow the Beat of Your Own Drum

Follow the Beat of Your Own Drum

I’m just going to have to, “do my own thing on my own terms”. Just be unapologetically me and equally unapologetically do the things I want to do and talk about the things I’m interested in. I’m over craving for acceptance. I just do not fit in at school; never have and – thank God – never will.

Neither do other people who I consider cool (Thomasy is one of them actually cos he is so totally himself and does what he does. Alena, that percussionist I was friends with years ago is pretty much the coolest person I know, her personality was so imprinted on me. A bit like Lachlan’s ‘Dan’ who he always states as his inspiration. Alena introduced me to herbal teas and jazz, she knew her stuff about music and is amazingly skilled. She had opinions but never pressed them – though she stated them when something came up to trigger them!)

Lachlan finds this individuality thing incredibly easy and it’s that strength of self assurance that draws people towards him. And then they start to imitate him. The problem with me is that I’ve always had this craving to be liked by everyone. It’s just not going to happen. Especially with Nikki around. So I’m just going to be who I want to be and say what I want to say in class without worrying that I sound like a know-it-all. I’m going to talk to all year levels and damn well sing in choir and do production because those are the things I love. I still want to be approachable and make a difference in people’s lives, but carrying on like an ego-centric fragile collection of neurosis is hardly going to help anyone or anything.

I’m going to talk to teachers without worrying I’ll be called a “teachers pet”. I’ll read The Age on the bus if that so interests me (even if it may be “the old mans newspaper”. Home and Away sucks. Of course I’ll still be tactful and nice but I will not get sucked into their games or even waste a thought on it. So what if I’m not invited to Tom’s 18th, I hate alcohol anyway. If I want to go hyper on the glockenspiel in Music Styles I shall and no Jen, I will not “tone it down’. (even if everyone confirmed to what some people’s idea of the perfect mould, they would still find a problem with it!)

Bridget was cool. She read the dictionary for fun and watched Iron chef just for the heck of it. She played guitar at lunch and no one told her to shut up. She had the funkiest haircut in Nathalia and once they got over it they thought it was hot and now some tote the same one. She was original from the time I knew her at age of 6, wanting to be a fashion designer and using old scrapbooks to design them.

If I adore Jane Austen and Shakespeare in Literature and everyone else is whingeing about how much they loathe them, well, guess who will top the exam. I do not care if I appear attractive or nor. Lach loves me for who I am at any moment (as proven with early morning rendezvous while I had bed hair, morning breathe and the remnants of pimple cream on my face). I will not check myselfconstantly to pinpoint where or where not I am presentable to the public. I’ll smile and have fun and let them decide for themselves. I have a right to be an optimist and idealist. I can believe in God without having to act as his lawyers constantly. I can talk to a boy without worrying whether or not he finds me attractive. I can use the most elongated and enormous words I can muster and you can look them up when you get home. I can have fun at school.

Stuff those who say I can’t!


Goals and dreams of a 12 year old girl January 15, 2009

Filed under: My world and my life — bessabariangirl @ 3:57 am
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I was reading my old diaries – which prompted this series cos I just got to share the funny and interesting things I’m discovering in it.

Writing in my diary as a youngster

Writing in my diary as a youngster

Anyway these were my goals for 2004 as a totally innocent 12 year old girl (I find them quite inspiring and a little amusing)



  • Try to avoid fighting. Usually their way is right
  • To be a loving daughter and responsible daughter

Austin (my bro)

  • To avoid fighting. Remember he is very sensitive
  • To encourage and build him up
  • To spend wholsome time with him


  • To witness in lifestyle and choices
  • To be encouraging, to help them achieve their best
  • Don’t be selfish or jealous
  • Dont strive to be popular but just to appreciate the friends I have
  • For correspondence friends reply in good time


  • Take grade five exam and hopefully get good results (got an A!)
  • To be in Davis at Border Music Camp (thats the top orchestra and i believe I did!)
  • To Give music
  • Practice at least every second day (Note – now im like “practice for two hours a day!)
  • Guitar 0 to practice quicker chord changes (Note -Now im like learn how to go 9’s and 11’s)
  • Singing – work on staying in tune and projection


  • To write regularly in this diary
  • To work on poems and stories
  • Enter competitions (who nkows what could happen!) *Note I did and won a short story comp that year


  • Stop picking sores (*note I achieved this)
  • Stop biting nails (*note, I havent quite achieved this)
  • Dont chew on hair (ewwww!) *note YES I HAVE STOPPED THIS LONG AGO!!

This ends my goals for 2004. Work on them, strive for them, achieve them.

Maybe things haven’t changed much since then (except the chewing on the hair part), it’s interesting msot of the things i was striving for then I am still striving for today. Have I come far on the jounrey? I’m certain that I have…

If you want to read some more from my diary as a 12 year old you can read these posts:

* Diary of a Twelve Year Old Girl


Diary of a 12 year Old January 14, 2009

I have been keeping an extensive and inseparable diary for years – ever since I was eleven. Seven years on, hundreds of words and 37 diaries later I am still writing in my diaries as much as ever.

Anyway, last night I was perusing my old diary – the one I called ‘Rosa De Moverly’ (back in my Anne of Green Gables obsessed days) and it was pretty much the funniest thing I have read in a long time

So here I shall publish the funny and interesting excerpts from the diary of a 12 year old book and boy obsessed girl (and wonder whether I have changed all that much!)

Oh and I’m keeping the original spelling and grammar

* Saturday 26th October 2003 (After breaking my leg doing long jump at the school sports)

The Young Diary Writer - very impressionable!

The Young Diary Writer - very impressionable!

“It’s kind of dumb how people say, ‘are you alright?’ when your there, tears pouring down your face combining with sand and snot. I suppose it’s also a sign they care.”

* Sunday 27st October 2003 (as part of a story I wrote)

“His face was a hopeless, barren desert when you are slowley dying of thirst and a terrorist holds you at gun point deciding whether or not to blow your brains to bits while he drinks the last few drops you have, then spits it in your face”

“Lucille cried out like an eagle having its wings hacked”

* Friday 7th November 2003 (the days of the Primary school romance. I find the shock and outrage of this excerpt quite funny)

“But not as obssesed as Danielle is about Brad – you should see her! She writes his name everywhere, over and over again. Yesterday she gave him her first proper kiss – on the lips! They’ve pecked before (4 times) but not on the lips. Shhhhh….dont tell anyone.”

* Monday 10th November 2003 (about our school camp to Canberra)

“On the seat beside me was Danielle and Bradley – two loverbirds . They held hands passionately near the end for a long time! It made me want to puke and I kept on giving Danielle “looks” to convey my message.”

* 24th Monday November 2003 (you can see the beginnings of my feminist thinking here yet still boy obsessed)

“I like to have muscles, to not cry much, to not be girlish and gigglish, to like cars and leggo and footey.”

“Back to transition. Sorry I get off the subject  a lot, my train of thought you see, but who really cares, I dont think this will be published; and even if it is no one will care because they’ll be too engrossed in all my interesting stuff I have to say…where was I?”

* Sunday 30th November 2003

“…but he had nice eyes. Usually nice eyes is a saving grace to a male who usually would look, well, pretty ordinary.”

* 6-01-04

“There are lots of curious things in this world, things that are fun to speculate, but can give you a headache if you dwell on them too long”

“(I think we will be pinching pennies – but pinching hurts so much!)”

* 7-01-04

“The easiest way to fake tears, is to think of something realy sad like when Matthew dies in Anne of Green Gables and what his last words were (that always gets me in tears)

“If I couldnt read (or write) I dont know what I’d do. I’d just be existing, flavour would go out of life making it blonde. But I can, no fear (by the way, the same definitely applies to music)”


“(I’m very fond of brackets, and semi-colons; but mostly brackets)”



You cant google love… December 10, 2008

Filed under: LOVE,Poetry — bessabariangirl @ 3:48 am
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You cant Google love

You can only go out there, water it and let it grow

With plenty of sunshine to warm its innermost cockles

You cant search for love; plan for it or hunt it down like a wild beast you want to pinup on your wall as a trophy

It is not something that a five point plan can achieve

For love is ever changing like a stream you may be able to direct but you can never halt or dam or force

Sit, wait, dream and it may come to you

Reach out to another and love will open it’s arms…

Love cant be hoarded away for a rainy day

It must be given to grow…

Lavish and generous

The more things you love, the more love you have and the more love you can give

Love is making someone else happy,

It creates a world within a world

Young Love

Young Love


Lets start at the very beginning….

Filed under: Random Musings,Uncategorized — bessabariangirl @ 2:01 am
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Stranded Gypsy Girl on a stranded beach

Stranded Gypsy Girl on a stranded beach

...a very good place to start as Julie Andrews would have me believe

This is the start of my new experiment…a blog to start over the summer holidays and so instead of idley whittling away my hours on the computer I can stream the idle and whittle into text and pour it forth over the internet.

I have been pouring forth via ink and paper in my inseparable diary for years – ever since I was eleven. I’m seventeen-going-on-eighteen now and much more fluent in the world but hopefully I havent lost all that wonder and excitement for it.

Where does the stranded gypsy come into it? Well I’ve always had a fascination for gypsy – beings of free spirits, passion and creativity. their music and stories set fire to my imagination even so far removed as I am in this dust bowl I live in with people whose lives seem to revolve around tv, sheep and beer. While I yearn for things like literature, music, people – meeting people where they’re at. I’ve always had this burning desire to be different, to stand out. It’s like an instinct  I’ve had ever since a child. Also, to make a difference, to really change things, be part of a movement. These are some of the forces that drive my life. Hence the ‘stranded’ part; at the moment I seem to constantly be looking out and striving for things beyond my reach…stranded also means ‘many strings tangled into one’ and isn’t that what life is?

So…my experiment for this Summer holidays. I’m liking it already…but the question is, do YOU like it? We shall wait, type and see. Hopefully I wont get RSI from continual tapping.

What I hope to blog…my loves – life, random musings, books, music…a view from a tiny little town of 100 people in country Australia that longs for the city. I hope to inspire you and not waste your time.

I cant promise you steady reams but I can promise you my words, straight from my heart.

Love, peace and respect